Configure VLAN access control list...

What is VLAN Access Control Lists (VACL) used for?

VLAN Access Control Lists (VACL) can be used to filter traffic within the same vlan


Suppose a host is connected to VLAN 2 and we are required to drop all telnet traffic within VLAN 2.


Make an access list to match telnet traffic
Router(config)#access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq telnet
Create VACL using the above ACL.
Drop telnet traffic and forward all other traffic
Router(config)#vlan access-map VACL_ACL 10
Router(config-access-map)#match ip address 101
Router(config-access-map)#action drop
Router(config)#vlan access-map VACL_ACL 20
Router(config-access-map)#action forward
Apply VACL to VLAN 2.
Router(config)#vlan filter VACL_ACL vlan-list 2
Thats it for the configuration. If everything is configured properly, telnet traffic should be dropped within VLAN 2


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